"Weird Days"

Day by day we have a lot of different experiences. We can commit different situations we've never expected. Long ago, I tried to be alone at one side spending too much time on writing something relevant to others life. But one day, I was awaken by a terrible moment. Everything around me is vanity and my commitment to others are in vain.

I don't have any idea about a terrible evolution which continually change my life and my coming future.
What will happen if someone behind me cause me to shaken the head chemist of my mind. There is someone who cause me not to stay longer on my past days. He wanted me to change and Go beyond the measures of my abilities.

I tried to let Him go in spite of  being committed to others.
I tried to be His friends to let Him realize that He is already important.
Its a weird day... Every moment, I realize that I was in the middle of abyss...
A deep hole which can take my future into ash.


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